Multi Contact Dektite Aluminium Multicable Solar Flashing - SDA10MB

Photo of Multi Contact Dektite Aluminium Multicable Solar Flashing - SDA10MB
Best Price R1,846.47

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Product Description

Multi Contact Dektite Aluminium Multicable Solar Flashing - SDA10MB Product Description


Dektite Aluminium Multicable Solar Flashing Tiled or Slate SDA10M

Don't risk roof leaks and cable damage by pushing unprotected cables under the tiles or slates.

The MCS INstallation Guide for PV requires that cable penetrations through the roof should not affect the weather tightness of the roof and should be durably sealed.

The Dektite Multicable is a simple, effective and universal way to ensure this requirement is met.

At the same time it protects cables from damage through contact with other roof materials.

The economical soft temper aluminium base is ideal for slate or plain tile roof.

Base 450 x 600mm.

Dektite Multicable Alminium base SDA10MB

Durable purpose made weatherproofing product as per MCS

Fits all types of tile or slate roof

Quick and easy to install only tool needed cable snips

Protects up to 10 cables from damage

Low cost Aluminium base ideal for plain tile or slate roof

20 year warranty

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